We are committed to making room for more people to encounter the life-changing love of Jesus!
Our Latest Update

Phase 2
Giving Opportunity

Master Site Plan
We are expanding our debt-free property to make room for those in our Central Oregon community that are far from God or need a church home! All building and expansions will take place on our Rocking Horse Road property.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and COURAGEOUS. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9
A Message from Pastor Ben Miller

Join the Spiritual Journey
To achieve the Courageous campaign goal, we are inviting everyone to join us on a 2-year spiritual journey of sacrifice, risk-taking, and a whole new level of trusting God. Together, we can provide the financial resources needed to accomplish this project. But it will take all of us walking in faith and obedience to God.
Simply put: God-sized visions require God-sized sacrifices. While each of us won’t contribute the same amount, we are all being called to equal sacrifice. Jesus really can accomplish more than we could ask or imagine.
At its core, Courageous is about much more than buildings or finances. It’s a spiritual journey about opening our hearts to all that God wants to do in us and through us. What God desires to do through His church is vast, expansive, and filled with purpose – and what’s at stake are the lives and eternities of real people. Heaven and hell are a reality and people’s eternities matter!
Are you up for it?
We encourage you to spend the coming weeks asking God what part He would have you play in this season at our church. Get started by joining the Joy Church family in praying this prayer daily over the next several weeks:
“Jesus, what do you want to do through me?”
Let this journey guide be your traveling companion on this journey.
Check out the Vision Booklet for more details.
Phase 2 | Auditorium
Future Phase 3 | Joy Kids Building

Make Room
God is on the move at Joy Church! What was envisioned over three decades ago has become a reality. People by the hundreds are coming to know God, find freedom, discover purpose, and are now making a real difference. Our challenge is to MAKE ROOM for more people in our community to experience a joy-filled, life-giving relationship with Jesus and his family.
This land is an incredible blessing given to us, a people devoted to making a difference in our community. Though we have outgrown our current building, we have not outgrown our 10-acre property. However, more room isn’t just about alleviating overcrowding, it’s about creating a place, a destination, a home where God can change people’s lives. To whom much is given much is expected. God expects great things from us. From this land. He expects us to courageously rise to the occasion and meet the challenge.
In November 2021 Joy Church paid off the mortgage on our current 10-acre property. Then, in March of 2023, we completed Phase 1 by raising $2M to begin breaking ground for our expansion.

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